회사소개 > (주)코코링크 CoCoLink corp.


Collaborative Computation, CoCoLink!
코코링크는 슈퍼컴퓨팅전문기업입니다.

초고성능 컴퓨터구조 연구
슈퍼컴퓨터 하드웨어 개발과 양산
고효율화 과학공학 소프트웨어 개발 및 상용화
소프트웨어 리엔지니어링
코코링크는 NRDO형태의 사업을 영위하고 있습니다.
OLED 발광물질분석기, OLED 발광소자해석소프트웨어
Oil and Gas Exploration Data Processing Solver


CEO 이 동 학
CliC 80000, 8 GPU HPC w/1:10 PCIe Switch (2011)
CliC X-kit, 32 GPU Experimental HPC (2012)
Klimax-210, 20 GPU vHPC with 1:20 PCIe Switch (2014)
Klimax-1800, Network Application Server(72 Processor -core, 8 10G Ethernet, 2014)
Luxol-OLED Simulator & Analyzer(2015)
Klimax-X10, 20 Slot PCIe External Box with 2:20 PCIe Switching Fabric(2019)
Luxol-OGX, Oil and Gas eXploration work bench (2019)

Large-scale PCIe Switch Design/Manufacturing
System Board Design/Manufacturing
Optimal & Robust Computer System Design
High Efficient Programming w/GPU(CUDA, HIP, etc), Software Re-engineering
Large-scale Clustering System Build-up

SHIN, Hyun-dai, Chief Engineer, Circuit Design
SIM, Yong-woo, Senior Engineer, S/W Engineering
HA, Dong-Jo, Business Promotion

KIM, Seoung-jo, Seoul University Emeritus Professor, AIAA Fellow, Fellow of IoP
Technical Advisory Group (20+ Professors)

HQ/Research lab: 20 w/ 3 PhD.
(Researcher, S/W Engineers, H/W Engineers, Sales, Management)


For Becoming World-best HPC Manufacturer and Developer:

2014. Klimax-210 출시
2015. Entry to the Global HPC market. Klimax series released.
2016. Start of the global software business
International Supercomputing Conference 2016
Supercomputing Conference 2016 (Booth No. 1447)
GPU Technology Conference(GTC) 2016
2017. Klimax-R10 출시, Luxol OLED 출시
2018. 수출 일백만불 달성
2019. 사업확장을 위한 투자유치 중
Klimax-X20 출시, Luxol OGX 출시
2021. KOSDAQ 상장 목표