Luxol VFX3D
We conducted research projects jointly with the host Korea University and succeeded in product development based on them.
A real-world simulation-based solver for creating high-resolution image special effects, a tool for producing images with high-quality special effects with 4K or 8K resolution.
High-speed operation based on GPUs provides 100x more performance than traditional CPU-based tools.
High-speed operation using multiple GPUs produces a very realistic special effect.
3D Rendering Enhancement Technology
Navi-Stox equation methodologies were used basically for simulations to create special effects of running water.
A real-world simulation-based solver for creating high-resolution image special effects, a tool for producing images with high-quality special effects with 4K or 8K resolution.
High-speed operation based on GPUs provides 100x more performance than traditional CPU-based tools.
High-speed operation using multiple GPUs produces a very realistic special effect.
3D Rendering Enhancement Technology
Navi-Stox equation methodologies were used basically for simulations to create special effects of running water.
It supports various effects such as water, fire, flame, smoke, and animated mesh.
2,406,104 Particles, 256x256x256 of Grid
High-efficiency VFX/3D image effect technology based on HPC is required to secure economy.